Voci Budget di previsione per le attività annuali di minima (anno 2021)

Buon anno a tutti. Speriamo che stiate tutti bene.
In allegato trovate quanto normalmente necessario per dare seguito alle singole attività.

Come vi abbiamo informato in precedenza, a causa della mancanza di attività di raccolta fondi e di altre circostanze impreviste, quest’anno gli importi necessari non saranno tutti disponibili. Vi informeremo quindi ogni due mesi circa il fondo a disposizione da spendere dando priorità alle donazioni con specifica indicazione da parte del singolo donatore.

Ad oggi il fondo disponibile per il mese di gennaio è di 7.000 Euro che verranno trasferiti sul conto di Cipad. Attendiamo la contabilità di fine anno di Mondeco e Mehala per sapere se saranno disponibili altre donazioni per il prossimo futuro.

Detailed Budget 2021 (extract)
Home Based Children times
01.01 Monthly Food ration for 230 OVC month 12
01.02 Supplementary food voucher for malnourished children voucher
01.03 School uniforms for 140 OVC uniform 140
01.04 School stationeries for 140 OVC lumpsum 3
01.05 School fees for rewarding scheme winners quarterly 3
01. 01.06 OVC secondary schools fees for 37 students of Sololo Project incl. Pocket money fee 37
01.07 Mosquito nets – household items – miscellaneous lumpsum 4
01.09 HBC clothes for 250 children lumpsum 1
01.14 Pavements for 7 shelters built in 2017/18 – materials lumpsum 7
01.15 Pavements for 7 shelters built in 2017/18 – labour charge lumpsum 7
Obbitu Children Home
02. 02.01 OCV Food ration 20 children month        12
02.02 Firewood month        12
02.03 Non food items (soap, detergents, broom, kitchen utensils) lumpsum        12
02.04 Clothing for 24 kids lumpsum        24
02.05 School uniforms/bags for 24 kids lumpsum        24
02.06 School stationaries for 24 kids lumpsum        24
02.07 Text books lumpsum
02.08 School fees for 19 kids examinations, tution lumpsum
02.09 Hire of water booser (OCH only, no Guest House or offices) lumpsum          4
02.10 Purchase of drugs for Obbitu’s pharmacy (OCH only) lumpsum         1
Health Activities
 03. 03.01 Health consultant (2x health assessments x child x year) month        12
03.02 Special needs referral pathway on request          2
03.03 Coverage of NHIF for 93 families month        12
Animal care
 04. 04.01 Vet services lumpsum 2
04.02 Animal food and water lumpsum 2
 05. 05.01 Welfare program on request 12
05.02 Special drugs for chronic diseases (when not available in dispensaries) lumpsum
05.03 School fees families Jaldesa Dida, Abdub Halake, Ali Ibrahim Ali, Abdi Wario lumpsum
06.01 Project coordinator month        12
06.02 Obbitu Village Supervisor month        12
06.03 Mondeco representative month        12
06.04 OVC field officer month        12
06. 06.05 Mother caretakers month        12
06.06 Househelpers month        12
06.07 Guesthouse househelper on request        12
06.08 2 Greenhouse workers month        12
06.09 Watchman (5x Obbitu V. + 2xFarming Unit) month        12
06.10 Casual Workers on request          6
06.11 Holiday substitution lumpsum          1
06.12 Staff in kind benefit for 12 persons (breakfasts, lunches, dinners, tea-breaks) month        12
06.13 Contribution for NHIF x 13 CIPAD employees excl. Mondeco Rep. month        12
06.14 Revenues to Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) month        12
06.15 Contribution for NSSF (pension scheme) month        12
07. 07.01 Purchase of diesel for generator (main + guesthouse) liter
07.02 Purchase of petrol for CIPAD motorbike and small generators liter        12
07.03 Purchase of petrol and lubricants for LR 109 liter
07.04 Engine oils for motorbike and small generators lumpsum        12
07.05 Assorted spareparts (motorbike) lumpsum          1
07.06 Motorbike insurances (1 motorbike) insurance          1
07.07 Purchase of spare partes and insurance/police check for L/R 109 year          1
07.08 Generator spareparts and lubricants lumpsum          1
07.09 Labour work for building maintenance monthly        12
07.10 Hardware for building maintenances and casual work lumpsum 12
07.11 Obbitu Farming Unit maintenances lumpsum          1
07.12 Fencing Obbitu Compound incl. Farming Unit lumpsum
07.13 Honey production          1
08. 08.01 Stationeries incl. 1 toner month        12
08.02 Communication (CIPAD) month        12
08.03 Communication (Mondeco Rep) month        12
08.04 Transfers and per diem CIPAD (transport + 1 night out + food) month        12
08.05 Transfers and per diem Mondeco Rep. (transport + 1 night out + food) month        12
08.06 Service charge (rent of CIPAD office in Sololo) month        12
08.07 Zuku satellite subscription month
08.08 Bank charges month        12
08.09 Obbitu land rate, contributions and taxes, certificates good conduct, inspection report lumpsum 1
08.10 Auditing and Institutional charges and transferrals lumpsum         1
08.11 OVC Management Committee quarterly         4
08.12 Contingencies 5% lumpsum

Happy New Year to you all. We hope you are all fine.
Please, find in attachment our budget calculation for this year based on what is usually needed to follow up the single activities.

As we informed you previously due to lack of fundraising activities and other unforeseen circumstances this year the needed amounts to follow the budget lines are and will not be available.

Therefore, we will inform you every two months about the fund at disposal to be spent with priority to donations with specific indication by the single donor.

By now, the fund available for the month of January is 7.000 Euro which will be transferred to Cipad’s account. We are waiting for the end year’s accountability of Mondeco and Mehala to know if some more donations will be available for the coming future.