Some of the schools in the Sololo area, attended by minors from the “Progetto-Sololo” – Alcune delle scuole dell’area di Sololo, frequentate dai minori del “Progetto-Sololo”


Some of the schools in the Sololo area, attended by minors from the "Progetto-Sololo"

Wow ,amazing story. The education of the children is the ultimate goal to uplift the family from poverty. Each year many children join primary school, others will join secondary school while others complete secondary school and join college or technical institute for skilled based training. These are the transitions of the child and should not be interrupted but protected and supported to achieve the goal to develop the children holistically to be able to achieve their full potential and that is the CIPAD GOAL.
thank you well done all

Wow, storia incredibile. L’educazione dei figli ĆØ l’obiettivo finale per elevare la famiglia dalla povertĆ . Ogni anno molti bambini si iscrivono alla scuola primaria, altri alla scuola secondaria mentre altri completano la scuola secondaria e si iscrivono all’universitĆ  o all’istituto tecnico per una formazione qualificata. Queste sono le transizioni del bambino e non dovrebbero essere interrotte ma protette e sostenute per raggiungere l’obiettivo di sviluppare i bambini in modo olistico per essere in grado di raggiungere il loro pieno potenziale e questo ĆØ l’OBIETTIVO di CIPAD.
grazie ben fatto a tutti

Sololo Primary school
Sololo Primary school
Uran Godha Primary
Ramole Primary school
Ramole Primary school
Mwangaza Academy-Golole
Mwangaza Academy-Golole
Mukh Gura primary school destoyed By strong wind
Mukh Gura primary school destoyed By strong wind
Mukh Gura primary school destoyed By strong wind
Mukh Gura primary school destoyed By strong wind
Mukh Gura primary school destoyed By strong wind
Mukh Gura primary school destoyed By strong wind
Karbururi Primary school
Karbururi Primary school
Karbururi Primary school
Golole Primary
Golole Primary
Golole Primary
Golole Primary
Dambala Fachana Academy
Dambala Fachana Academy
Dambala Fachana Primary
Dambala Fachana Primary school
Dambala Fachana Primary school
Dambala Fachana Primary school
Nursery student Provided with unimix by government at school
Nursery student Provided with unimix by government at school
Motobikes for teachers