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Congratulazioni !! Un premio meritatissimo ❤ * Sono veramente contenta per questo riconoscimento a persone come lei che dedicano la loro vita agli altri! * Grandissimo Pino, grazie della condivisione e complimenti per questo riconoscimento meritatissimo! * Complimenti per la bellissima notizia, siamo felici per te, per Margot e i tuoi collaboratori per il prestigioso Premio che avete conquistato con Amore, perseveranza e merito. * Ci saremo!!! * To say that we are happy is indeed an understatement. We are elated beyond reason. The contributions that you made to Sololo and its people will always remain in the memory of the people you touched. For me ,this was a personal first hand experience. First through Amballo people and later through my own scholarship. I may have kept quite the last few years but the seed you sow in us of giving back to the community shall definitely have a big place in our lives in the future. * Congratulations for winning the peace award. you deserve more. You have touched and changed the lives of many children and saved many lives of sick and needy people. CIPAD is here because of you. I am greatly indebted to you. very fatherly in handling people who worked with you * Grande Pino!Anche il tuo capo sarà contento! Mi spiace di non poter essere con te, un grande abbraccio da Nairobi. * Che bello, Pino! Abbiamo bisogno di persone che coltivano la fragile e feconda pianticella della pace nel loro cuore e attorno a loro. GRAZIE! Congratulazioni di tutto cuore * Complimenti! Ti sono vicino con la mia preghiera. * Ma che BELLO sono contenta!! * We got the Peace Award with Pino * Thank you so much * That is great.congratulation Dr.Pino and the larger Bollini family.we are proud of you for the well deserved award.👏👏keep up the spirit * The blessing was from God so my brother pino bollini congratulation for the award Each and everyone knew this that you desever the from your beings This award was for the whole fàmily of bollini particularly mama who was your assistance in every thing which you do the people Thank you so much keep it up * Wow congratulations to Dr. Pino for the peace award and recognition for service to humanity, you deserved it. * Congratulations Dr Pinno and the family for the well deserved peace award.God has blessed your service to humanity. * Congratulations Dr Pino for peace award. I’m very happy that your efforts are recognized. Honestly speaking all that you have done for Sololo community collectively and for specific persons on humanitarian grounds are truly unforgivable. I can say thanks to those who have recognized your efforts as well. May God the Almighty bless you.your family and the work of your hand. * ecc. ecc. …